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Alien Resident Certificate (ARC)

International students who enter Taiwan with holding resident visa or get the resident visa in Taiwan should apply for ARC within 15 days after you enter Taiwan or get the Resident Visa. A fine from NTD 2000 to NTD 10,000 will be charged while applying late. If you change residential addrees or worksite, should apply for personal information change within 15 days, otherwise, a fine from NTD 2000 to NTD 10,000 will be charged violation.

Required documents while applying for the first time:
1. Application Form 
2. A thin half-lengh color photo with a glossy finish taken with a white background within the past year that should be 4.5cm x 3.5cm with an image of the head that should not be shorter than 3.2cm or longer than 3.6cm from the top of the head to the chin, without wearing a hat or a pair of color glasses, with clear facial features not covered and identificable, and should not be modified or composed. 
3. Passport and Resident Visa (original and one copy)
4. Admission Notice or Tuition Paid Receipt (one copy)
5. Operation Fee: NTD 1000
6. Post Office NTD 28 Envelope  (if you need your ARC to be sent to OIA directly)
    Postal Code: 62102   Address: 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi County (OIA)

ARC Extension:
Students should extend your ARC every year by yourself and the extension application should be done within one month earlier than the expiry date issued on your ARC.

1. Application Form 
2. A thin half-lengh color photo with a glossy finish taken with a white background within the past year that should be 4.5cm x 3.5cm with an image of the head that should not be shorter than 3.2cm or longer than 3.6cm from the top of the head to the chin, without wearing a hat or a pair of color glasses, with clear facial features not covered and identificable, and should not be modified or composed. 
3. Passport and Resident Visa (original and one copy)
4. Student ID card (original and one copy)
    * Your photocopy of student ID card should get the registration stamp from the Office of Academic Affairs at the 1st floor of administrative building
5. ARC
6. Operation Fee: NTD 1000
7. Post Office NTD 28 Envelope  (if you need your ARC to be sent to OIA directly)
    Postal Code: 62102   Address: 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi County (OIA)

For more information and rules please refer to National Immigration Agency 

Applying Location:
◆ Chiayi County Service Center
   Address: 1F., No.6, Puzi City, Chiayi County, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
   Tel: 05-362-3763
    Service Time: Mon-Fri, 8:00~17:00 (no lunch break)

 Chiayi City Service Center 
   Address:  2F., No.184, Wufeng N. Rd., East Dist., Chiayi City, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
   Tel: 05-216-6100
   Service Time: Mon-Fri, 8:00~17:00 (no lunch break)

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