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Fact Sheet for Incoming Exchange/ Visiting Student Program

General Information

Name of Institution

National Chung Cheng University


168, Sec. 1, University Road, Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan 621

Office dealing with exchange programs

Office of International Affairs

Exchange program coordinator

Project Manager Ms. Ya-chi (Angèle) TSAI

Tel: +886-5-272-0411 ext. 17606

E-mail: ciacoop@ccu.edu.tw

Website for exchange-related information



Application procedure

Applicants should fill out the application form online and upload all required documents at: https://forms.gle/Lxx7x4hGuh8wE46t5

 (If you have any difficulties to submit the application at the above link, feel free to contact us at: ciacoop@ccu.edu.tw)

▓ Nomination list must be sent to CCU from the applicants’ home university.

Required documents


  1. Online application form (https://forms.gle/Lxx7x4hGuh8wE46t5)
  2. A head-shot photo in JPG format
  3. Complete transcripts (translated into Chinese or English)
  4. Two letters of recommendation prepared by different referees
  5. A study plan of at least 300 words, in either Chinese or English


  1. Photocopy of passport (identification page with applicant’s photo and name)
  2. Certificate of language proficiency
  3. Certificate of enrollment

Deadline for applications

Fall/ 1st Semester   

April 20

Spring/ 2nd Semester

November 20 of previous year

Suggested length of study for exchange

1 semester or 2 semesters

GPA Requirement

No limitation

Language requirements

Students applying for CCU’s Department of Chinese Literature

Certificate of Chinese proficiency TOCFL 3 or HSK 3 (TOCEL 4 or HSK 4 is more welcomed)

Students applying for for other departments

No official requirement, but students must be fluent in either the Chinese or English language

Estimated time

to deliver acceptance letter

Fall semester

May 31 

Spring semester

December 31 of previous year

Course Information

Language in use

English/ Chinese

Course list

Academic program: http://kiki.ccu.edu.tw/~ccmisp06/Course/

English-Taught Courses: https://kiki.ccu.edu.tw/~ccmisp06//Course/all_english.html

Chinease training courses: http://kiki.ccu.edu.tw/~ccmisp06/Course/1334_e.html

The course list for our Fall Semester will be announced in June; the list for Spring Semester will be announced in December. It will be automatically updated at the above links.


suggestion on course selection

In addition to the courses at hosting department, it’s also available for exchange/ visiting students to choose the class at our Chinese Language Center, Center for Language Studies or other colleges/ departments (must be agreed by each lecturer).

The CCU Chinese Language Center offers several Chinese Training Courses every semester. It’s credit-loaded and free for international  students. We sincerely encourage our exchange students to join at least one Chinese training course during their stay at CCU.

On the other hand, it’s not guaranteed for exchange students to choose the courses offered by our Center for General Education. This kind of courses is limited for enrolment quota.

Administration Fee & tuition fee

Administration Fee for visiting student

USD 500 

Tuition Fee for visiting student per semester 

USD 1,609-1,843 (diverse from hosting departments)

Exchange students under a student exchange agreement will be exempt from the tuition fee & administration fee at National Chung Cheng University.


on-campus accommodation

Undergraduate students

Quod room

Fee: around USD355 per semester

Master students

Twin room

Fee: USD345-395

 per semester

PHD students

Twin room or single room

Off-Campus Dormitory

If students don’t want to share the room with the others, the Office of International Affairs can help them to find an off-campus single room. The walking distance from the off-campus dormitory to CCU’s main gate is about 10 minutes.

Dormitory fee: from USD600-700 per semester (totally 4.5 months)

Deposit: around USD 170

Water rate: around USD 4 per month

Electricity fee: should be paid by students every two months

information available at: http://www.gladsea.com.tw/

Accommodation information for exchange students: https://reurl.cc/DoVrDQ

Other Fees and Expenses

Internet fee

on-campus dormitory: USD 35 per semester

off- campus dormitory: USD 50 per semester

Mattress & pillow& bed quilt

around USD100

Transportation fee from the airport to CCU campus

around USD 30 to 50

Health check fee

around USD 22


around USD 3 per meal


Every exchange student must has adequate health insurance which is valid during her/ his exchange period at CCU, covering the medical expenses both for accident and sickness (outpatient and inpatient). Students must hand in a photocopy of insurance certificate to our Office of International Affairs on the orientation day.

Students staying in Taiwan for 2 semesters must apply for the Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) upon arrival; six months after receiving the ARC, it’s mandatory for them to join Taiwan’s National Health Insurance. The fee is NTD 826 per month.                 

We would like to share the following links with you, for you to take a look of our beautiful campus:

👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggWsB4jjwCs

👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNXaMqC7b-4

👉 https://youtu.be/VRh_XvDZT7k

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