
National Chung Cheng University Teaching Assistant Certification Training Program Spring 2024


Teaching Assistant (TA) Certification Training Program”, held by the Center for Teaching and Learning Development, aims for the promotion of the teaching assistance effectiveness of the “English as Medium of Instruction” (EMI) course. It takes place at the beginning of each semester. This training will also provide the trainees with useful skills of teaching assistance and the methods for counseling students of EMI courses.


Teaching Assistant Certification Training Program Information

  • Date : Friday March 1, 2024
  • Time : 13:00 to 17:30 (Registration starts at 12:30)
  • Participant: Current students who have not received TA training certification, and are suggested to possess upper-intermediate level of English (CEFR B2 level).
  • Venue:R305, Common Class Building, CCU
  • Registration: https://events.lib.ccu.edu.tw/event/detail/list/1221


Please Note:

  • All the TAs should be qualified by completing the TA training of CTLD. TA certificate will be issued once the participant complete the training.
  • Please fill out the correct email address on the sign-up form, or the notifications of the event will not be able to be delivered. Participants are responsible for the consequence of the wrong information.
  • To acquire the certificate, participant should obey the course rule, including being punctual, participating the whole seminar, completing the Questionnaire, and getting 60+ marks of the final test.
  • The QR code and link for Questionnaire, and test will be shown during the seminar. The form will be expired right at the setting time.
  • Should you have any questions, please contact us with the following contact information:


TEL: 05-2720411#11603

Email: admjoyce@ccu.edu.tw
