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National Chung Cheng University Tel:+886-5-272-0411






Dean of International Affairs  

Prof. Victoria Rau

17600 / 31503


  1. Comprehensive management of international affairs
  2. Supervising the key projects
  3. Be responsible for CCU internationalization


Ms. Hsiu-Ting Chen



  1. Expenses allocation and reimbursement
  2. Property management
  3. Holding conference and meetings
  4. Internal personnel employment
  5. Subsidies of on-campus international exchange activities
  6. Internal liaison of OIA administrative affairs
  7. Others

Vice Dean & Director

Dr. Michael Chan

17601 / 66510


Comprehensive management of division of Overseas Student Affairs

Project Manager

Mr. Chie-Yao Cheng 



  1. Application of financial support from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan (by professors in CCU)
  2. Moderation and assistance of activities of overseas Chinese clubs
  3. Service for Overseas Chinese Students

Project Manager

Ms. Theresa Chiang



  1. Manage affairs of Higher Education Sprout Project
  2. Execute projects of exchange and visiting students to CCU (includes handling the application procedure and providing relevant services to students)
  3. Act as the administrative bureau of internship practices at CCU for international degree students (including MOE Taiwan Experience Education Program)
  4. Recruit and train learning partners for international degree students and exchange students at the beginning of their study
  5. Conduct the business associated with field trips, study tours and study abroad
  6. Others

Project Manager

Currently vacant



  1. Main contact window for all international degree students, including inquiries related to application for admission of CCU
  2. Processing the reception & orientation for new international degree students
  3. Processing the scholarship applications of international degree students
  4. Data Output: Promoting and Advertising
  5. Main contact window of Taiwan Host Family program
  6. Others


Dr. Kok-Yong Lee

17607 / 31400


  1. Comprehensive management for the affairs of International Academic Cooperation division
  2. Comprehensive administration of Southbound projects
Project Manager Carrie Tung 17613 admcitung@ccu.edu.tw
  1. Comprehensive administration of Southbound projects and the Southbound Center
  2. Hosting the Southbound Winter School
  3. Proceeding internship grants for students of Southeast Asia
  4. Main coordinator for outgoing student programs, including short-term exchange programs, study abroad programs, overseas internship practices, etc.
  5. Outgoing international student program
  6. Campus News English Translation Window
  7. Others

Project Manager

Ms. Pei-Chun Li


  1. Dealing with affairs of Higher Education Sprout Project
  2. Dealing with projects initiated by the Secretary Work Circle of Taiwan Comprehensive University System
  3. Dealing with affairs of Student Ambassador of International Visitors (SAIV)
  4. Planning and management of key internationalization projects
  5. Field trips and travel study
  6. English Summer School
  7. Others


Dr. Yi-Mei Lin

17611 / 32564


Comprehensive management for relevant affairs of International Development division

Project Manager  

Ms. Ya-Chi Tsai (Angèle)



  1. Planning for overseas students recruitment
  2. Recruitment campaigning
  3. Main Coordinator for incoming student exchange program
  4. Main Coordinator for incoming internship program
  5. Consultation service of visa application for teachers and students from Mainland China
  6. Comprehensive management of affairs regarding to Sister school exchanges and formations
  7. Others

Project Manager  

Ms. Candy Leong


  1. Manage affair of Higher Education Sprout Project's specialized internationalization chapter
  2. Work support for foreign teacher and researcher
  3. Promote the internationalization of all units and departments within the school and improve the effectiveness of school-wide international services
  4. Promote all departments of the school to sign a dual academic system and establish a dedicated platform for dual degree programs in the school
  5. Assist school units to arrange overseas visits/enrollment trips
  6. Foreign guests visit
  7. Others


CCU OIA Fcebook: https://www.facebook.com/oiaccuedutw