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TCUS - 2024 Student Research Forum Poster Presentations

Important Dates

Deadline for submission: November 1, 2024
Deadline for apply as an audience: November 15, 2024
Presentation Day: November 29, 2024 | 10:30-13:00


Current international students who are studying TCUS (Degree-seeking students & inbound exchange students)


10 students for oral presentation
10 students for poster presentation
* Admission order is determined by the order of complete documents submitted first


National Cheng Kung University
We will announce the detail later.




Oral Presentation

  • Oral presentations are limited to eight minutes, followed by three minutes Q&A section.
  • Must summit a PPT when you apply.

Poster Presentation

  • Please provide a digital file of the poster. The organization will print the posters out for the presenters.
  • Size: One sided,  vertically A1 size (594*841mm), leave a 5cm bleeding margin on each side
  • File: A PDF file with the resolution of 300 dpi. 
  • Must include:
    1. Title/ Author(s)/ University/ Department
    2. Introduction
    3. Materials and Methods
    4. Results
    5. Conclusion and Discussion
    6. References
  • Format:
    1. Font: Times New Roman
    2. University and Department: font size: 30-40
    3. Title: Bold font
    4. Please provide a description for each figure and table. The description of the figure should be placed below the figure, while the description of the table should be placed above the table.
  • Legibility: All text and figures should be readable from a distance of one meter, including captions and figure legends.
  • All presenters should plan to attend the presentation day on time.
How to apply

* You MUST log in GOOGLE account.

Presenter: If you would like to apply oral presentation or poster presentation, please fill in the registration form and upload your files HERE.
Audience: If you do not present but would like to be an audience, please fill in the registration form HERE.

  • Poster print fee: The organization will print the posters out for the presenters.
  • Transportation fee: We will provide participants, including presenters and audiences, the financial subsidy for transportation after the presentation. The maximum is the Taiwan Railway round-way tickets, from participants' home university county to Tainan city. Must provide tickets to reimburse.
    For example, a partcipant is enrolled in NSYSU. The maximum financial subsidy is the round-way railway ticket price from Kaohsiung to Tainan.
Contact Person

Ms. Yuhsuan Chang: tcusnchu@email.nchu.edu.tw 
Office of International Affairs, NCHU

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