

印尼泗水理工科技大學線上短期課程 CommTECH Nusantara 2025: Wonderful Folktales of Indonesia

印尼泗水理工科技大學(Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, ITS)線上短期課程《CommTECH Nusantara 2025:精彩的印尼民間故事》






  1. 填寫ITS報名表
  2. 必備資料:護照掃描檔案+學生證(或員工證)掃描黨+正式的照片(沒戴眼鏡)
  3. 將所有檔案E-mail 到:commtech@its.ac.id + 副本CC到 commtechits.surabaya@gmail.com; 國際處:outbound@ccu.edu.tw

關於課程的詳細資訊,請點擊此連結:CommTECH Nusantara 2025 課程詳情


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya Indonesia launched Virtual CommTECH Nusantara 2025: Wonderful Folktales of Indonesia, a fascinating short program aimed to introduce various Indonesian cultures to participants from all over the world to be conducted from 6 January to 17 January 2025 every 19.30 - 22.30 GMT+7.

This program is open for non-Indonesian active diploma, bachelor, master & doctoral students from any background, non-academic staff and Faculty/Staff from overseas university. 

It's a free program for 5 participants from each university. ITS partner or non-partner universities can apply for this program. However, if your universities will send more than 5 participants, the fee of USD 50/person will be applied but ITS Partners universities have a chance to send more than 5 participants. 

The application deadline is 19 December 2024.

Register by fill in this form [ 2025_CommTECH-Nusantara JanRegistration-Form ]  together with these documents

scanned passport/citizen id

scanned students/staff ID

formal photo (without glasses)

Send your application with the form attached to commtech@its.ac.id & cc to commtechits.surabaya@gmail.com and outbound@ccu.edu.tw

(email subject: Registration – Virtual CommTECH Nusantara 2025_Name_Univ)

Click this link for more information about this program : https://www.its.ac.id/international/study-at-its/short-program/commtech-camp/commtech-nusantara/ 

For further information and queries, please contact:

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Global Engagement (ITS GE)

Phone: +62-31-59234411

Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami Pratama

Email: commtech@its.ac.id and cc to commtechits.surabaya@gmail.com

(email subject: Inquiry CommTECH Nusantara 2025)
